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Revalidation support from Nurseplus

At Nurseplus we understand how confusing and time-consuming revalidation can be, we want to help our Nurses and provide them with the support they need to complete this process.

What is Nurse Revalidation?

Revalidation came into place in April 2016; a new process that all nurses and midwives in the UK need to complete to maintain their registration with the NMC. The main purpose is for the nurse/midwife to demonstrate that they practice safely and effectively.

Revalidation occurs every 3 years and is submitted online via your NMC online account, you can set this up via the NMCThe NMC outlines requirements for revalidation and has further information about the process.

How can Nurseplus support your Revalidation?

Your local Nurseplus office can provide you with:

• A shift report to evidence your practice hours
• Copies of surveys/reviews/feedback for your practice related feedback
• ELearning to help towards your CPD hours
• Evidence of our CPD accredited training courses attended
• An online revalidation tool to support you through the revalidation process.
• Sign off your confirmation.

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Posted on July 11, 2019 by Nurseplus