Safeguarding Adults: Preparing our Carers to Deliver Essential Care
Safeguarding in adult social care settings is a cornerstone of high-quality care. That’s why at Nurseplus we ensure every care staff member we place with our care partners has not only a sound understanding of what constitutes abuse, harm, or neglect but also the confidence to act decisively in protecting vulnerable adults.
Our own in-house mandatory Safeguarding Adults Level 2 training ensures that all our carers are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet such critical responsibilities.
The Growing Importance of Safeguarding Adults
Recent tragedies in the social care sector have highlighted the urgent need for more robust Adult Safeguarding practices. As quality care providers we understand that safeguarding is not just a duty—it’s a vital part of ensuring the dignity, respect, and safety of the people we care for and support.

Our Nurseplus training team have developed a well-rounded mandatory training programme that prepares our carers to take on this responsibility with professionalism, empathy, and diligence.
What Nurseplus Safeguarding Adults Level 2 Training Covers
Our safeguarding training for carers provides a comprehensive foundation, empowering them to:
Nurseplus care staff gain awareness of laws like the Mental Capacity Act and their implications, as well as emerging trends in safeguarding practices.
Nurseplus Adult Safeguarding Level 2 training addresses the nuances of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and restrictive practices, ensuring our carers act within the law while prioritising the individual’s rights.
All Nurseplus carers are trained to recognise signs of abuse or neglect, confidently report concerns, and understand the process of adult protection investigations.
We make sure our care staff are prepared for adult protection case conferences which ensures our carers can contribute effectively to collaborative safeguarding decisions.
We teach our carers proactive methods for working together with agencies like local authorities and healthcare providers to enhance safeguarding outcomes.
Robust risk management training ensures our carers can assess situations accurately, take preventative actions, and respond appropriately to safeguarding issues.
Helping to Build Leadership Skills and Care Confidence
At Nurseplus, we believe that Safeguarding Adults is a shared responsibility, requiring a team effort led by confident, well-trained individuals. Our mandatory training doesn’t just provide knowledge—it builds leadership qualities meant to empower carers so they can support and guide others, ensuring safeguarding excellence is present at every level of care.
Our Commitment to Care

We make it our mission to ensure every carer we place is equipped to deliver safe, compassionate, and effective care. We’ve invested in building a solid mandatory training programme for all our carers, including Adult Safeguarding training at Level 2. At Nurseplus, we’re not just meeting regulatory requirements—we’re always trying to exceed them, aiming to set a benchmark for care standards across our sector.
When it comes to Adult Safeguarding, we believe preparedness is non-negotiable and at Nurseplus, we make sure our carers are ready to protect, empower, and care with confidence. If you are searching for care staff that embody our values, and work to promote a safe and caring environment reach out to Nurseplus.
Posted on December 23, 2024 by Nurseplus