Care Certificate - Did you know…
The Care Certificate - Did you know...
The Care Certificate was officially launched in March 2015, with the aim of equipping health and social care support workers with the knowledge and skills they need to provide safe, with compassionate, safe and high-quality care and support.
The Care Certificate was implemented for all applicable new starters from April 2015.
At Nurseplus, we are required to meet its standards before new employees can work with clients. The Care Certificate replaces the Common Induction Standards (CIS) and the National Minimum Training Standards (NMTS).
The Care Certificate is an identified set of standards that health and social care workers must adhere to.
Designed with the non-regulated workforce in mind, it gives everyone the confidence that their workers have the same introductory skills. Offering the ability for the workforce to develop and demonstrate key skills, knowledge, values.
The Care Certificate:
• Applies across health and social care;
• Links to competences (National Occupational Standards) and units in qualifications;
• Covers what is required to be caring;
• Will equip workers with the fundamental skill they need to provide quality care; and
• Gives them a basis from which they can further develop your knowledge and skills as their career progresses.
The 15 standards in the Care Certificate are:
1. Understand your role
2. Your personal development
3. Duty of care
4. Equality and diversity
5. Work in a person-centred way
6. Communication
7. Privacy and dignity
8. Fluids and nutrition
9. Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability
10. Safeguarding adults
11. Safeguarding Children
12. Basic Life Support
13. Health and Safety
14. Handling information
15. Infection prevention and control Full details of each standard will be covered in the following pages.
CQC welcomes launch of the Care Certificate.
For more information about how Nurseplus can help you with your staffing solutions, speak to your local branch.
Posted on July 01, 2017 by Nurseplus