How We Ensure Dignity in Care Settings: Dignity Action Day #DAD2024
The concept of dignity stands as a pillar in the dynamic landscape of health and social care and shapes the experiences of those we care for.

On Dignity Action Day, we’d like to take a look at the ways Nurseplus care staff apply skills that effectively champion the rights to dignity in care for every individual. Today, and all year round we should take the opportunity to reflect on the significance and impact of treating people in care with respect, empathy, and compassion always with the ultimate goal of upholding dignified care in every setting we operate in.
The SCIE factors of dignity in care
To ensure that our staff delivers the highest standard of care, we must consider certain factors. The SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence) Factors of Dignity in Care provide an effective framework for maintaining dignity while interacting with individuals in care. Let's delve deeper into each of these factors.
Privacy- Always ensure that the people in your care have access to private spaces and can take moments alone. It’s important to respect confidentiality during private discussions, and to maintain dignity during personal care routines. By upholding these crucial aspects of privacy, we can build strong and trusting relationships with the people we care for, as well as their family and friends.

Choice– Be sure to offer the people in your care choices in daily activities, treatment plans, and always respect the decisions they make regarding their care. This can help contribute to a sense of autonomy and control which in turn builds independence.
Control– Encourage engagement by involving the people you care for in planning daily tasks and activities. This will build self-esteem and respect. By providing choice and control over their lives, you will ultimately empower them to make informed decisions and create a care environment that values their dignity in care.
Communication– Simply listening to people can go a long way to promoting dignified care. People in care can often feel unheard by the many professionals, family members, and friends who only want the best for them and it can be easy to overlook the simple needs and wants of the person in care. By promoting open, honest and regular communication we can better understand their needs and preferences and deliver care with dignity at its core.
Respect– Small changes in routines and surroundings can certainly be unsettling for a person in care. All Nurseplus care staff are trained to acknowledge, accommodate and support the individual routines and preferences of the people we work with. Even simple things such as adhering to preferred meal times, sleep schedules, and recreational activities can foster a sense of continuity and normalcy in an otherwise unsettling time.
Needs – It is important to tailor our care support to the unique needs of every individual. Our care staff are trained to value the personal choices of the people they care for promoting a sense of dignity. Nurseplus carers will work understand a person’s needs and address them accordingly which helps create a foundation for person-centered care, upholds dignity, and builds trust.
Environment– Arriving in a new care setting can be worrying, scary, and upsetting for some. With this in mind its important to make care settings warm and welcoming so a person can feel safe and comfortable. Where possible, we encourage care staff to acknowledge personal touches, familiar items, and comfortable furnishings a person may need to help them feel secure in their new environment.

Appearance– It is crucial to ensure that individuals under care can maintain their appearance as it can significantly impact their sense of dignity. Our outward appearance is how we choose to be perceived by others. Therefore, personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, and access to grooming activities are fundamental needs that must be met to preserve dignity in care.
Promoting Dignity in Care with Education and Training
Nurseplus equips all our healthcare professionals with in-house mandatory training that focuses on the SCIE dignity factors and builds the skills required to help us maintain dignity in care settings. We cover topics that focus on the importance of upholding dignity in care and teach our staff how to apply certain principles in their daily care practices.
Dignity Care Training
All healthcare professionals at Nurseplus are trained to adopt a person-centered approach and learn to understand the intricacies of care planning, These skills can then go on to help our staff respond confidently and effectively in situations where the dignity rights of a person are not being met. By educating our staff to recognise and prioritise the preferences, values, and goals of the people they care for, they can support care services in their delivery of tailored care strategies across a variety of care settings.
We also enroll all care professionals and support staff in Diversity and Inclusion Training. Our goal is to prepare our staff to provide individualised care that is respectful and consistent with the various backgrounds and traditions that they may encounter in their everyday work. At Nurseplus, we actively encourage our employees to be knowledgeable about the practices and procedures of the care settings they work in. This can include a familiarity with dignity audits, and when or how they are conducted so our caregivers can identify any specific challenges they may face and adapt their care practice accordingly.
Our carers are encouraged to request feedback from:
the services they work with
the people they care
their families and loved ones
as this can be valuable to them when identifying areas for improvement in their care practices.Our carer application Workwise provides a convenient way for both staff and clients to leave feedback on all care interactions. This useful application has been instrumental in enabling us to monitor satisfaction levels amongst our carers and clients.
Dignity Action Day 2024

Dignity in care settings is more than simply checking off a tick-list; it is understanding the importance of acknowledging an individual receiving care. Dignity Action Day #DAD2024 helps us remember to embrace and celebrate the importance of dignity in every care interaction. By understanding the SCIE dignity factors, we can all collectively contribute towards making care settings places that honour the rights and dignity of all people in our care.
#DAD2024 is a day to celebrate and promote positive change and continued commitment to maintaining dignity in care settings.
Posted on February 01, 2024 by Nurseplus